Learning Paths School, located in Mohali, Punjab has been using SchoolPad since more than a year now. We caught up with the Principal, Mrs. Komal Singh to discuss more about the school and how they use technology to improve their educational initiatives. Here’s what she had to say:
Briefly introduce Learning Paths School to our audience
Learning Paths School, Mohali has an individualistic approach towards education — -emphasis is laid on how a child wants to learn. The VAK system is followed, whereby the visual, audio, and kinesthetic methodologies are implemented. All students must learn but if learning is made interesting, it becomes easier for them to imbibe everything. Knowledge is easy to come by but its application is challenging and this is the challenge that LPS students are taught to face.
Describe an average day at Learning Paths School, Mohali
The highlight of a day at LPS is the class assembly which is held by rotation twice a week. The students pick up a topical issue or a current celebration and present an assembly in which all class students take part. The lessons progress as per the time-table, which include sports, art, music, & dance. The Library is visited once a week by all classes, but students can go there during their break times too. The House system in school is very strong and there are myriad activities organised for inter-house competitions, in various age groups. Each age group has ‘House Hour’ and the students compete with each other in activities like PPT, Poetry Recitation, Spell Bee, Intellectual Marathon, Declamation, Public Speaking, Creative Writing, Science Quiz, Drawing and colouring, Library Reading ….to name a few. In the zero hour special attention is given to students who lack behind in academics.
Describe Learning Paths School, Mohali’s vision and ways in which you are trying to achieve it
Learning Paths School is committed to nurture inherent potential and talent of each child, create life- long learners of tomorrow. With parents as our partners, we aspire to create global citizens, who are innovative and have a strong sense of values. We try and achieve this vision through our Learning System which is a scientifically designed approach to education that supports each child’s unique learning style. Through the use of innovative text books, unique teaching approach and various co-curricular activities, we help children broaden their vision and enhance classroom learning.
If I ask you to share the one best thing about Learning Paths School, Mohali, what would it be?
With our effective management skills we keep everybody around us in a happy state which is very important for growth. We have a dedicated staff under a very strong leadership. Also we believe in working along with parents as a team, and consider them equal partners in the child’s growth, ensuring the overall development of the child.
Do you see Technology as an enabler for Learning Paths School, Mohali’s growth?
Definitely yes! We are living in a technological world .With the use of various technologies the School is able to optimize the work.
Can you please share with us some of the useful technology tools or services that are being used at Learning Paths School, Mohali?
The School is a pioneer of the revolutionary Smart class. This way technology has been brought from the computer labs into the classrooms, changing the way children learn forever. The use of SchoolPad has completely changed the School’s way of communicating with parents (and vice-versa ) and the upkeep of various records. The school also uses Phyzok’s blended classroom for science and Funtoot’s maths program for personlized learning.
One tip or suggestion about the use of technology in school education that you would like to share with our audience?
It is important to keep up with the latest in educational technology. Technology and education are a great combination if used together with the proper vision. Educators and educational researchers should be encouraged to focus on determining how to properly integrate the use of a given technology to facilitate learning.
A big thanks to the Principal Mrs. Komal Singh for taking the time out to answer these questions! To know more about Learning Paths School, Mohali you can check out their website http://www.learningpaths.in